For those who enjoy:
slick 3D platforming movement
N64/PS1 aesthetics
short but replayable games
goat-bunny-cat ladies
Hay is for horses, my dear reader, of which Sybil is not.
Pseudoregalia is a Metroidvania game jam project turned into a fully fledged game, available for the low, low price of just six bucks (that means money) on Steam or Itch! Explore the open-ended Castle Sansa and uncover new abilities that allow you to forge your own path in a fairly short but highly replayable experience that'll leave you craving more. God, I sound like a Woman? Fish? You get the idea. It's a game that I had a lot of fun with.
Now this guy knows what's up.
The game keeps it relatively simple. It doesn't try to be more than it is—not super substantial but also not offensive.
It takes a second to get the hang of all your moves—some I didn't even know I had until after I beat the game for the first time! But in the end, you'll find what's to me some of the most entertaining 3D platforming I've ever experienced. Feels as if the sky's the limit with the kinds of tricks you can pull off.
The game has it! I wish it'd expand on its story a little more (apparently some lore didn't make the final cut or something, but you can still sense that there's something meant to be there!), but hey, it's still entertaining to explore and find all the places that Castle Sansa has to offer.
← And hey, it's got a soundtrack too?! There's some nice tunes here, and perhaps more importantly in the realm of a video game soundtrack, they characterize the areas they play in extremely well. Maybe consider sending some love the composers' way.
Plus, this is also a good place for me to sneak in here a little arrangement of Outside the Castle Walls I made, because I need somewhere to put it!!!
So what are you waiting for? Maybe give the game a shot!