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The Sizz Tuna Times


July 1st, 2024

Say hello to this wonderful new news section, where you get to read at length about whatever miscellaneous goings-on I decide to write about. Scary, I know. It’s okay if you need to take a moment for some deep breaths, I’ll wait.

In reality, I’m popping this section into existence in order to advertise the TRANZINE. It’s a little zine put together over the course of roughly two months, affiliated with the Transing the Internet webring (that thing I have a little widget for at the bottom of my homescreen, which mysteriously un-centered itself one day and I still need to fix…). The PDF is a fabulous 28 pages cobbled together by 14 contributors (including me! My page will actually jumpscare you really quick—you flip the cover and AUGH it’s here already!), and I’d recommend giving it a quick peruse if you’re interested. Not every page is necessarily about transness, but it’s generally an underlying theme. And hey, once you get to the end, there’s a nice little credits page and you can go on an adventure checking out some of the wonderful contributors’ websites. It’s unhealthy for me to keep you cooped up in here for too long—go explore somewhere else!

As a side note, it’s also worth mentioning that I might have vaguely suggested the idea in the first place? Though I didn’t actually know what a zine was at the time. For those also not in the know, zine is a shortening of magazine (yes, it rhymes with wean instead of vine, and yes, I was also devastated to learn this), and they’re essentially small little printed booklets. Sometimes they’re handed out for free, or sometimes they’re sold. I’m sort of new to the concept myself, so my explanation might not be fully fleshed out. As for the Tranzine, due to the digital nature of it, it’s a PDF rather than a physical booklet. It’s perfectly capable of being printed out though, if you’re really dying to hold it in your hands.

The gist: consider taking a couple minutes out of your day to marvel at Tranzine the Internet. There’s planned to be a second volume coming out in December, so hey, if you’re interested in contributing, check out the page on their website!

That’s all from me for now. Have a good day, make good choices, and don’t forget to blow some bubbles every once in a while.

Fishily yours,
The Tuna